Pain in the muscles and bones around the shoulder joint is called shoulder pain.
Pain at the back of the shoulder often connects to the back of the scapula, which is called shoulder and back pain; shoulder pain that affects the upper arm or even the elbow is called shoulder and arm pain.
Because they all take shoulder pain as the main clinical manifestation, other parts of the pain are caused by shoulder pain, so they can be collectively referred to as shoulder pain.
Because shoulder pain often leads to varying degrees of functional dysfunction of the upper limbs, the pain intensifies if the upper limbs barely move.
Frozen shoulders, the Chinese call it ‘fifty shoulders’ (mostly diseases caused by weakening of qi and blood after the age of 50, if it is caused by cervical spondylosis in young people’s limited shoulder mobility), the causes are inferred as the following six:
(1) Senile degeneration
(2) Invasion of rheumatism and cold evil
(3) Chronic fatigue
(4) Reduced shoulder movement
(5) Shoulder trauma
(6) Various inflammations